What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic health care is one of the largest primary contact health care professions in Canada. Chiropractors apply specific techniques, such as spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapy, to disordered related to the spine, pelvis, extremity joints and their associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. 

In addition to manual treatment, Chiropractors can recommend therapeutic exercise to help improve and prevent injury. Lastly, we can assess for and provide Custom Orthotics based off of our patients needs. Our care can also include lifestyle counsling, nutrition advice and instructions on returning to exercise. You can access Chiropractic Care directly and do not require a referral to see one. By accessing a Chiropractor directly, you can receive a diagnosis and support with little to no wait time. 


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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care is an effective solution to a large variety of joint and muscular injuries and pain. In addition to the complaints listed above, Our Chiropractors use a variety of treatments styles and techniques to achieve effective results including decreased pain, improved motion and increased function. 

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How can a Doctor of Chiropractic Care help me?

Our Oakville Chiropractors use safe, non-invasive techniques to restore motion to dysfunctional spinal and extremity joints. Adjustments are the most common form of treatment in which a Chiropractor will remove restrictions by precisely targeting any joints that are restricted or not moving optimally.  Your Chiropractor may also use a range of other treatments including soft tissue mobilization, stretching, exercise programs and biomechanical support to address the causes which have lead to the symptoms of pain and muscle injury. The primary goal of your Chiropractor is not only to provide pain relief but to address the underlying causes of the pain and injury. By addressing a combination of the symptoms and the cause, our Chiropractic Patients find larger decrease in pain and improved quality of life.